Faith Confessions

What are Faith Confessions?

Confession of God's Word Builds Faith. This is not thought in the mind... this is spoken out loud repeatedly. 
Faith Confession are affirmations from scripture. You put yourself in the scriptures, God is talking to you. When you read these scriptures you see God's promises for you. When you read them aloud over and over they sink into your heart and which then changes your thoughts and then changes behavior and before you know it you have this crazy supernatural Faith that God will supply all of your needs according to His riches and Glory (Phil 4:19).

Key Things:
1) Say it OUT LOUD... Your words have Life and Death... so SPEAK LIFE... God SAID "Let there be light" and then there was light (Gen 1:3)
2) Put you, your name, your husband's name, your children, your job, etc in the scripture
Father God,

I know you have searched me and you know all about me, what I do and what I think. I know that what I say you already know. I know that you have your hands of protection and love on me. It is such a blessing and it blows my mind.  God I know I cannot hide from You, you are everywhere and so near. You guide me wherever I go. 

God I thank you for creating me, designing me and putting me together in my mothers womb. I will praise you because you made me fearfully and wonderfully and your works are wonderful.

I thank you God for seeing me and ordaining all of my days and are were written in your book. 

I thank you God because I know I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Morning Confessions to Get Me Through the Day!

Today is a wonderful day because the Lord has made it and everything He made is good. God made me in His image and gave me power and the authority to change my situation.  Therefore I will go through the day with joy in heart praise on my lips and confidence in my steps. God said to me do not fear... so I will boldly go through the day knowing God has my back and will protect me. 

One day I will be eating the 
fruit of my labor and its going to be soooooooooooo sweet. Mmm mmmm mmmmm I can 
taste it now.
The enemy labors to delay the promise of God in your life, so when 
disappointment comes, one of the first things you should do is laugh at the 
Devil. Then tell him, “Devil, I remind you that you’re a defeated foe. I plead 
the blood of Jesus over my life. I command you to take your hands off my life 
and my family.” Then begin to praise God that the enemy is a defeated foe.
Good morning I've got joy in my heart favor over my life and Blessings raining 
on me. God is awesome and I love what. He is doing in my life. You better be 
careful how you treat others and me :) because God is all about taking care of 
his children and will reposition some people that are blocking ppls blessings. 
Be good stewards over what God has given us whether it be money cars friendships 
marriages kids jobs etc. If you ain't treating it right your rights will be 
revoked.  Do good by it and he will give you more. #love #kingskid
Oh eemmm ggeessshh I'm alive with 
joy in my heart. Thank you God for brand new mercies. Yesterday is over thank 
God I get to start fresh. New attitude new thoughts new behaviors. Moving 
forward with vision in front of me and History lessons behind me. Today is going 
to be a great day because God made it!
God you make all things new, teach us how to use our past as a history lesson and not a guide for our daily life. We are a new creation in Christ, the old things have passed away and all things have become new. We are being renewed day by day. Let us put off our past conduct and put on the new man in righteousness and holiness.
Thank you God for wiping away our tears releasing us from pain because the former things habe passed away.
In Jesus name Amen.
Confessions for Wives 

From the book My Thoughts on Victorious Living by Dr. Bridget E. Hilliard
Father in the name of Jesus, I embrace the truth of your word. I am a virtuous woman and my husband is a mighty man of valor. I set my heart to submit to my own husband as he submits to your pattern for our lives. It is my desire to please my husband and I look to him to protect, provide and nurture my life.

I am spiritually focused, emotionally strong, and a woman of unquestionable character. I will do my husband good all the days of our lives. I am adaptable to my husbands needs and I am the helpmate that God has prepared for him. I will always honor and respect my husband as a man of GOD. My husband love me and respects me as Christ loves the church.

My husband and I walk hand in hand, striving side by side, united in spirit and purpose, contending with a single mind to do Gods will in our lives. I choose to die to things that are killing our relationship. I gladly drink from the cup that was prepared before we were married. I will gladly bear the cross of our relationship and I will allow my husband to be himself. We are experiencing a new life together where old things are passed away and behold all things are become new. 

1 Cor 10:3-6
Judges 6:12
Psalms 119:105
Gen 3:16
Matt 26:37-42
Pro 31:10-31
Eph 5:22-26
Luke 19:1-8
Heb 12:2
2 Cor 5:17
 Victorious Living
My First Lady is Awesome so encouraging Spirit-Filled, and supportive. She gave me this book that I have been using and getting the faith in my heart. It is called My Thoughts on Victorious Living by Dr. Bridgette E. Hilliard. You should get it. I am going to post one for you! I love this and is definitely stirring inside of me and what 
Open your Bible and read these scriptures first. Read what the Bible says. Faith Confessions are start from the Good Word straight from God. Because it is written and we speak it back to him, His word does not come back null and void.

Proverbs 31:10-31
Proverbs 12:4
Proverbs 5:19
1 Cor 7:3
Psalms 138:8
Father, I thank you that I am a capable, intelligent, virtuous woman; the heart of my husband does safely trust in me so that he has no need of spoil. I do my husband good all the days of his life. I will respect my husband as a man of God and I will always speak good thins about him to others. When I embarrass and speak negatively about my husband, it is rottenness to his bones, so I choose to speak only good things about him and out relationship.

I am a good thing that my husbad has found and because of me, he has obtained favor of the Lord. My husband dwells with me according to knowledge as he gives honor to me as unto the weaker vessel. My husband loves me as Christ loves the church.

My husband and I have wonderful, intimate times together because my breasts shall satisfy him at all times and he is ravished with my love. We render on to amount due benevolence.

My children and husband rise and call me blessed. I live the overcoming life. I live in daily expectation of abundance in my life. I have a sound mind. I live a life of purpose and fulfillment. I am a blessing to my household and to the kingdom of God.

I love my husband and do him good all the days of our lives. God satisfies us with long life and peace. My husband is known in the gates and when he sits with kings and rulers, he gives wise counsel; his gift makes room for him and brings him before great men.

Lord, you promised to perfect all that concerns me.

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