As women we tend to be a one woman work shop.We take on so many burdens, yours, family, friends, job etc. We think we can handle it all and we do not want to be seen as weak so we do not let others in. We do not allow others to help bear that load. We might even have situations that you fear letting people know about. It could be a sin or a secret that you are holding in and need to confess and you may not know who to confess it to. All of this can be eating us up inside and yet we continue to go on.
Why do we hold this in when there is ONE who is there and wants us to come to HIM. We fear God may have too much on his plate with others around. Maybe we think that God is not listening or hearing our cries from inside. We forget that God is our Father and loves us enough to give us His son. Yet we do not rely on Him for help. He is our Savior and friend but seem to forget that at times. This amazing God that supplies all of our needs according to His riches and glory.
In the scripture, God says to COME, which means He is waiting for us and we just need to step towards Him. Many times we walk away from Him and get so bogged down with life. He said to come ALL that labor and are heavy burden and He will give us rest. It is ok to REST. Women, we are a energized filled people. Always talking about there is no time for rest. Or resting when you get to heaven, you might end up in heaven a lot sooner than you think if you do not take time out to REST. Rest is valuable and necessary for us to continue in the race. How can God use someone for His glory if we are always so busy and so tired? We need to release some things so that we can receive God's word and assignments.
It is ok to release things to GOD, give stress, anger, resentment, busy lifestyle, heavy hearts and whatever that burdens you that holds you back from giving your all to GOD and His Kingdom. Once you release those things you begin to receive, you receive rest which gives you the strength to move forward.
Remember you need to release in order to receive.
You first have to COME to God
and then give those burdens to God
and receive REST from GOD.
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