Saw this picture on Facebook and was immediately inspired. I believe it comes from Proverbs 31 Ministries whom I follow and Love...
Ever just look at peoples pics and get depressed because you want what they have or you are not feeling like you are at the right level based on what they are doing. I have plenty of times. But then I realize I do not know what they went through to get to where they are at and that I am only accountable of myself therefore there cannot be any comparison especially when every one did not start at the same starting line and different resources.
Compare yourself to the old you.. see how much better you can get!
There is this activity called The Privilege Line where it is like a group of people are in line holding hands. The idea is that you are all here at the same time but everyone had different routes to get there. The thing is yes, you may have crossed paths at one point but people can only be on one path, in their own lane. Even married people have their own lanes but I imagine that to be parallel and they venture off sometimes but come back. Because when you become one, your goals and visions should align or come together but still keeping some sense of self; your individuality. But back to the privilege line, everyone is lined up and there are statements that that make you take a step back and a step forward according to your race, upbringing, nationality and more. It is really good for those who are coming together for a like cause.
But God has created us all different but for one cause to believe in Him and do His will. HE gave us all gifts and abilities and a future but no one has the same outcome and path. That is why we just cannot compare ourselves to others, if God wanted us to do that then He would have all made us the same and that my friends would be boring!!
Better start getting excited about your life and all that God has done for you and blessed you with. People you see should be inspiration not goals. Come up with your own goals!!
Peace and Blessings,
Ever just look at peoples pics and get depressed because you want what they have or you are not feeling like you are at the right level based on what they are doing. I have plenty of times. But then I realize I do not know what they went through to get to where they are at and that I am only accountable of myself therefore there cannot be any comparison especially when every one did not start at the same starting line and different resources.
Compare yourself to the old you.. see how much better you can get!
There is this activity called The Privilege Line where it is like a group of people are in line holding hands. The idea is that you are all here at the same time but everyone had different routes to get there. The thing is yes, you may have crossed paths at one point but people can only be on one path, in their own lane. Even married people have their own lanes but I imagine that to be parallel and they venture off sometimes but come back. Because when you become one, your goals and visions should align or come together but still keeping some sense of self; your individuality. But back to the privilege line, everyone is lined up and there are statements that that make you take a step back and a step forward according to your race, upbringing, nationality and more. It is really good for those who are coming together for a like cause.
But God has created us all different but for one cause to believe in Him and do His will. HE gave us all gifts and abilities and a future but no one has the same outcome and path. That is why we just cannot compare ourselves to others, if God wanted us to do that then He would have all made us the same and that my friends would be boring!!
Better start getting excited about your life and all that God has done for you and blessed you with. People you see should be inspiration not goals. Come up with your own goals!!
Peace and Blessings,
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